UNBOUND Gólflampi H120 grár marmari

Space Copenhagen

Þessi vara er sérpöntuð. Afhendingartími er breytilegur eftir framleiðendum en tekur a.m.k. 6 til 12 vikur, vinsamlegast sendið fyrirspurn á epal@epal.is til að fá nánari tímasetningar.

  • Skeifan
  • Kringlan
  • Laugavegur
  • Smáralind
  • Vefverslun Epal

124.950 kr.

Bæta á óska/gjafalista

Senda fyrirspurn

Vörunúmer: GUB-10083637


Playful, poetic and pared back, Space Copenhagen’s design team have reimagined the traditional lantern with the calming and characterful Unbound Floor Lamp.

With the teardrop-shaped marble base acting as an anchor, the white linen or natural canvas shade can be effortlessly rotated around it, as though it were a sail, gently billowing. Its dark antique brass ‘mast’ supports an array of dimmable LED lights within the shade that create a soft, diffuse and evenly distributed light.

The largest of the Unbound Floor Lamps, it can be used to create a bold, standalone statement, or it can be paired with the medium and small versions to create a sculptural cluster. Changing the angles of the ‘sails’ to each other makes a calming, floating and dynamic sculpture, even when switched off. This balance of character and sophistication make the Unbound Floor Lamps destined to grace both the private home and grand projects alike.




Lamp Height: 120 Cm

Nánari upplýsingar



Lamp Height: 120 Cm

Space Copenhagen

Space Copenhagen

Space Copenhagen, sem var stofnað árið 2005 af Signe Bindslev Henriksen og Peter Bundgaard Rützou. Space Copenhagen er hönnunarstúdíó sem starfar þvert á margar greinar, allt frá húsgögnum, lýsingu, fáguðum hlutum, til listinnsetningar og innanhússhönnunar fyrir einkaheimili, hótel og veitingastaði um allan heim.