Stóll SJÖAN, heillakkað

Fritz Hansen
Arne Jacobsen


73.900 kr.

Bæta á óska/gjafalista

Heimsending 1-3 Dagar

Senda fyrirspurn

Vörunúmer: MEPAL-0436


The Series 7™ chair is an icon in modern furniture history, designed by Arne Jacobsen in 1955. Its unique shape is timeless and incredibly versatile, displaying character without overpowering the eye. The chair is made from 9 layers of pressure moulded veneer for strength, flexibility and durability despite its slender form. This is the most popular design within Fritz Hansen’s chair collection.
The 3107 has slim yet strong steel-tubed legs that complement the shell’s curved profile. Legs extend just beyond the edge of the seat, allowing chairs to be easily arranged in rows or stacked for storage. The base/legs are discreetly mounted to a circular disc beneath the seat further enhancing the clean, minimal aesthetic of Jacobsen’s design.




Height: 82 cm Width: 50 cm Depth: 52 cm Seat Height: 46 cm

Nánari upplýsingar



Height: 82 cm Width: 50 cm Depth: 52 cm Seat Height: 46 cm

Arne Jacobsen

Arne Jacobsen

Arne Jacobsen var fæddur árið 1902 í Kaupmannahöfn þar sem hann var uppalinn. Árið 1927 útskrifaðist hann sem arkitekt frá Konunglegu Listaakademíunni í Kaupmannahöfn. Hann var lykilþátttakandi í innleiðingu módernismans í Danmörku. Hann er þekktur víða um heim og er meðal þekktustu hönnuða Danmerkur. Hann hannaði margar byggingar í Danmörku, Þýskalandi og Bretlandi.