Trefill VÆNGUR HRAFN blátt/svart

Vík Prjónsdóttir
Vík Prjónsdóttir

Á lager

  • Skeifan
  • Kringlan
  • Laugavegur (Sýningareintak)
  • Smáralind
  • Vefverslun Epal

17.600 kr.

Bæta á óska/gjafalista

Heimsending 1-3 Dagar

Senda fyrirspurn

Vörunúmer: ISL-VÍK-33004710-2


Double knit from 100% Icelandic wool for extra warmth and comfort, Wing scarves let you carry the spirit of the bird wherever you go. Blanket-stitched ends provide a quality finish from wing tip to wing tip.

The range of colour combinations reflects the spirit of six very different birds: Raven, Swan, Eagle, Papageno, King Eider and Flamingo.

The Wing scarf offers a sense of the power and playfulness only having wings can give.

As with all Vík Prjónsdóttír designs, The Wing scarf is the product of a design and production process based on working closely with traditional Icelandic knitwear factories and producers.



